Russian govt to provide 275 bln rbl liquidity to banks Wed–Aug 11 - News Archive - PRIME Business News Agency - All News Politics Economy Business Wire Financial Wire Oil Gas Chemical Industry Power Industry Metals Mining Pulp Paper Agro Commodities Transport Automobile Construction Real Estate Telecommunications Engineering Hi-Tech Consumer Goods Retail Calendar Our Features Interviews Opinions Press Releases

Russian govt to provide 275 bln rbl liquidity to banks Wed–Aug 11

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Central Bank Official Rate
1W 1M 1Y
EUR 98.0270 -0.6917 28 apr
USD 91.7791 -0.2343 28 apr
Stock Market Indices
1D 1W 1M 1Y
micex 3478.08 +0.35 18:51 29 apr
Stock Quotes in RUR
1D 1W 1M 1Y
gazp 164.06 0.00 23:50 29 apr
lkoh 8002.50 0.00 23:50 29 apr
rosn 581.55 +0.06 18:48 29 apr
sber 308.38 -0.19 18:49 29 apr
MICEX Ruble Trading
1D 1W 1M 1Y
EURTD 97.7950 0.0000 05:00 29 apr
USDTD 91.5550 0.0000 05:00 29 apr